Principal's Message
Dear Families & Friends,
Welcome to Marvin Avenue/ Marvin Ave Language Magnet. Our Stallion staff provides a positive learning environment in which students take pride and ownership of their learning. Within our instructional program, we provide an array of experiences not only to produce literate and productive individuals but also strive to nurture aspects of self worth, self-respect and responsibility within our students.
Our community is thriving and it is apparent that dedicated and committed members support our school. We are extremely proud of the perseverance shown and achievements made by our students, staff and parents within the last years. Marvin Ave has shown significant growth in reclassification of English Language Learners, growth in our English Language Arts and Math Smarter Balanced Assessments. Our newest endeavor has allowed us to be designed as Cohort 4 Community School as recognized by California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP)
You, as parents, are the most critical part of our school’s success. A learning environment flourishes when you take an active role in supporting a school climate that promote parent involvement and exposure to well rounded activities. Your active involvement provides the foundation for student motivation and drive to learn. I strongly encourage you to take an active role in your child’s education by having your child on campus, on time and ready to learn.
I am honored to be able to serve Marvin Ave/Marvin Ave Language Magnet students and families. Together, we will continue to seize opportunities for our students to become knowledgeable, positive, self-confident citizens in their community.
Best Regards,
Ms. Elizabeth Bañuelos
Learning happens everyday
50th Day Celebration

Halloween TIME!